Re: [Deskbar] Renaming the Deskbar

On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 17:39 +0100, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:

> * Hugin or Munin [1]
> Since Munin is eerily close to Muine, I suggest "Hugin, Visual Shell"
> [1]: Hugin and Munin are ravens scouting the earth for Odin, the god of
> Wisdom, in the northern mythology.

After a little debate between the users present on IRC, that makes me,
kamstrup, maro and Zotnix, we've settled to use the following title:

"Hugin Desktop Shell"

* Joy * Joy *

So, hugin, will be the package name, like hugin-0.8.6 and the codename
for the project among 1337 people.

In the UI, like the Add Applet dialog or other menus, "Desktop Shell"
will be used. Just like it is "Gedit Text Editor" or "Epiphany Web

Why Hugin ?
For some geek'o mythological reasons, see wikipedia article [1]

Why Desktop Shell ?
We feel the deskbar has little to do with searching, since when using it
i actually know what i look for, it's just some easy way to access
often-used commands and actions, hence the shell, just like the command
line is a quick way to do stuff, this is a desktop shell.

Please report any problem this may cause..


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