old-style gaim logs

It seems that beagle does not index old-style Gaim logs properly and
hits return from them as being "today".  An "old-style" log is a single
log per "budy" which lives in ~/.gaim/logs/<buddy-id>.log.  It is an
HTML format such as the following:

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>IM Sessions with foobar hotmail com</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="ffffff">
<HR><BR><H3 Align=Center> ---- New Conversation @ Tue May  5 13:27:12 2003 ----</H3><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000ff"><FONT SIZE="2">(18:47:35) </FONT><B>Bob:</B></FONT> Good morning.<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#ff0000"><FONT SIZE="2">(18:47:47) </FONT><B>Alice:</B></FONT> <FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS"><B><FONT COLOR="#0000ff">Hi</FONT></FONT></B><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000ff"><FONT SIZE="2">(18:47:59) </FONT><B>Bob:</B></FONT> Did you watch that movie last night?<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#ff0000"><FONT SIZE="2">(18:48:32) </FONT><B>Bob:</B></FONT> <FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS"><B><FONT COLOR="#0000ff">It was funny!</FONT></FONT></B><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000ff"><FONT SIZE="2">(18:48:39) </FONT><B>Alice:</B></FONT> No, I missed it.<BR>
<FONT SIZE="2">(13:47:13) </FONT><B>Bob logged out.</B><BR>
<HR><BR><H3 Align=Center> ---- New Conversation @ Tue May  6 22:33:48 2003 ----</H3><BR>
<HR><BR><H3 Align=Center> ---- New Conversation @ Mon May 12 23:47:18 2003 ----</H3><BR>

And then it seems the log changed format at some point to not be in

---- New Conversation @ Thu Oct 19 13:22:21 2003 ----
(18:22:57) Alice: Hi
(18:23:06) Bob: Hello
(18:23:12) Alice: OK.  Bye.
(18:23:23) Bob: Yeah, bye.
---- New Conversation @ Mon Nov 20 17:32:42 2003 ----

Any chance of modifying the backend for Gaim to properly parse these
older-style formats?  Any chance that it will find already (wrongly)
indexed old-style log files and re-index them?


My other computer is your Microsoft Windows server.

Brian J. Murrell

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