Re: Inital Deb Filter

Ok, here is the fixed FilterDeb.cs I'll wait to hear from you on the UI stuff.

Kevin Kubasik

On 4/18/06, Kevin Kubasik <kevin kubasik net> wrote:
> <SNIP>
> > > //
> <SNIP>
> > > Description = StringFu.FileLengthToString( Convert.ToInt64 ( hit["fixme:size"]+"00"));
> >
> > First, it looks like your search and replace to add spaces was
> > backwards. :)  But more importantly, what's with adding two zeros to the
> > end of a numeric string?  If the size is off by 100x, that's a bug, and
> > we shouldn't be working around it.
> Ok, Its just how dpkg-deb outputs it (in kb's)
> >
> > > if(my_hit.FileInfo.Extension == ".rpm" && my_hit["dc:description"] != null){
> > >        string[] temp= new string[my_query.Text.Count];
> > >        my_query.Text.CopyTo(temp,0);
> > >
> > >        details.AddLabelPair("Description:",
> > >                             SnippetFu.GetSnippet(temp , new StringReader(my_hit["dc:description"])),3,1);
> > >        return details;
> > > }
> >
> > I think what you're trying to do here is ellipsize the text of the
> > description, which might be quite long, correct?  If so, this is the
> > wrong way to do it, because it calls into the daemon's private
> > assemblies.  (A lot of stuff marked "public" should probably be marked
> > "internal" in there.)  What you want is to create a label and then call
> > beagle-search's WidgetFu.EllipsizeLabel().
> >
> Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is a Ellipsizing? I just wanted
> to get only the parts of the description that contained the words
> searched for.
> The whitespace changes are easy, and i'll take care of those. Do we
> just wanna scrap the UI tile?
> --
> Cheers,
> Kevin Kubasik

Kevin Kubasik
// FilterDeb.cs: Extracts basic information from .deb archives
// Written By: Kevin Kubasik <kevin kubasik net>
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;

using Beagle.Daemon;
using Beagle.Util;

namespace Beagle.Filters {
	public class FilterDeb : Beagle.Daemon.Filter {
	public FilterDeb (){
		AddSupportedFlavor ( FilterFlavor.NewFromMimeType ("application/x-deb"));
		SnippetMode = true;
	protected override void DoPullProperties (){
			SafeProcess pc = new SafeProcess ();
			pc.Arguments = new string [] { "dpkg-deb", "-I", FileInfo.FullName};
			pc.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
			try {
				pc.Start ();
			} catch (SafeProcessException e) {
				Log.Warn ( e.Message );
				Error ();

			StreamReader pout = new StreamReader ( pc.StandardOutput );
			string str = null;
			string[] tokens = null;
			string strMetaTag = null;
			char[] splits = { ',' , '|' };
			string[] list = null;
			while ((str = pout.ReadLine ()) != null) {
				strMetaTag = null;
				tokens = str.Split ( ':' );
				if ( tokens.Length <= 1 ) 
				switch ( tokens[0].Trim() ) {
				case "Package":
					AddProp ( "dc:title" , tokens[1] );
				case "Maintainer":
					list = tokens[1].Split( '<' );
					AddProp ( "dc:author" , list[0] );
					AddProp ( "fixme:author_email" , list[1].Replace ( '>' , ' ' ));
				case "Version":
					AddUnsearched ( "fixme:version" , tokens[1] );
				case "Section":
					AddUnsearched ( "fixme:section" , tokens[1] );
				case "Architecture":
					AddUnsearched ( "fixme:arch" , tokens[1] );
				case "Depends":
					list = tokens[1].Split( splits );
					foreach ( string s in list )
						AddUnsearched ( "fixme:dep" , s );
				case "Recommends":
					list = tokens[1].Split (splits);
					foreach(string s in list)
						AddUnsearched ("fixme:recommend",s);
				case "Conflicts":
					list = tokens[1].Split (splits);
					foreach(string s in list)
						AddUnsearched ("fixme:conflict" , s);
				case "Replaces":
					list = tokens[1].Split (splits);
					foreach(string s in list)
						AddUnsearched ("fixme:replace" , s);
				case "Provides":
					list = tokens[1].Split (splits);
					foreach(string s in list)
						AddUnsearched ("fixme:provide" , s);
				case "Installed-Size":
					AddUnsearched ("fixme:size" , tokens[1] + "00" );
				case "Description":
					AppendText (tokens[1]);
					AppendStructuralBreak ();
					while ((str = pout.ReadLine ()) != null) {
						if(str.Trim() == ".")
							AppendStructuralBreak ();
							AppendText (str);
			pout.Close ();
			pc.Close ();
			Finished ();
	private void AddProp (string strMetaTag, string prop)
		AddProperty (Beagle.Property.New (strMetaTag, prop.Trim()));
	private void AddKeyword (string strMetaTag, string word)
		AddProperty (Beagle.Property.NewKeyword (strMetaTag, word.Trim()));
	private void AddUnsearched (string strMetaTag, string val)
		AddProperty (Beagle.Property.NewUnsearched (strMetaTag, val.Trim()));

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