Re: libburn as a default backend?


Le mardi 07 avril 2009 à 14:18 +0200, Mario a écrit :
Hey Fabian,
while I am not a Brasero dev, I am libburnia project founder. From my understanding, Brasero tries to use libburnia libraries (libburn, libisofs) wherever possible (almost, I still have to shoot Phillipe for writing that small scsi "lib" :P=) if its been built with such support.

True, you do understand it. As for shooting use silver bullets (I am a werewolf).

So what exactly is missing compared to other backends? I believe the most important feature is read cd functionality which hasn't been implemented in libburn yet :)
Not exactly, in the case of audio CDs, brasero can't really use libburn since it does not write CD-TEXT, which means that brasero will usually use wodim or cdrecord for this type of project. Apart from that the capabilities of libburn allows to use it for any other project and disc... Which is not the case for libisofs for which there is another restriction: video projects with which you need UDF which is not currently supported (last time I checked) with libisofs.

Once those two things (CD TEXT for libburn and UDF support for libisofs) are added I don't see any other case where libburn/libisofs could not and won't be used.

And true, read cd functionality would be nice although brasero has already some built in. (Second gunshot noise)


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