Re: [Banshee-List] The artist-centric nature of Banshee (particularly the grid view)

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 8:10 PM, "Andrés G. Aragoneses" <knocte gmail com> wrote:

In fact, there are 465 reported Banshee bugs with status NEW. That's
bugzilla shorthand for: no one has given this any attention.

You see why this might be discouraging?

Of course. But it is because you're looking at the set of reported & unfixed

No, I'm looking at the set of reported & *unprocessed* bugs:

An unfixed bug I can understand. The problem is ignored bug-reports.

If you want to encourage people to report bugs, let them know that the
developers will at the very least spend a few minutes on every bug
report. Add a comment. Set it to ASSIGNED or READY. Even a status of
INVALID / WONTFIX / WORKSFORME / INCOMPLETE would give some closure.

(2) I've
tried three times now to import an album with artist, album artist,
cover art, etc. all filled in for every track, but still Banshee won't
show the cover art.

I bet the bugfix I told you about in the beginning on this thread would fix

Give me the "bits", like you said, and I'll find the time to test it.

Language audio courses, nature sounds, memos, recorded phone-calls.
For a while I recorded myself at night to know if I was snoring. Am I
the artist in those tracks? :-)

Then non-music audio :) So those files shouldn't show up in the
"Music Library", but in other kind of library

Maybe. Or maybe it's a mistake to make any premature assumptions about
how people might want to use your software. Rather than decide that
music with no artist is impossible, the open-minded approach is to
consider the possibility that others may come up with a use-case that
you didn't, like computer-generated music.


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