Re: [Banshee-List] cuesheet extension

I'm quite far now, coding the cuesheet extension.
You need some patches in the banshee core to compile the extension.
See for these patches.
The cuesheet extension is working quite nicely now.
If someone cares to test, you're welcome.

2013/1/9 Hans Oesterholt <hans oesterholt net>
I've added the patch as a bug (strange, it's a new feature, so I'd say not a bug).
When compiled and installed, the cuesheets extension will show up somewhere in the neighbourhood of the Music Catalog.
The cuesheets extension expects a directory where it can find the music/cuesheets.
This directory should be ordered like For more info: see

2013/1/8 Timo Dörr <timo latecrew de>
2013/1/8 Hans Oesterholt <hans oesterholt net>:
> L.S.,
> I've checked out the master of banshee and its community extensions and I've
> created an extension for using multimedia files (audio files) with
> accompanying cuesheets. It works already quite satisfactory.

Great news, I always wanted such an extension! So, this extension will
display the tracks in a liveset/recording and allow the user to click
on the track, and Banshee will jump to the right position in the
liveset? That would be awesome!

> Now for my question: I needed to make some changes to the banshee code,
> because it needed for example to support accurate seeking. How can I get
> these (small) code changes merged back in the master repository?

Open up a bugreport on gnome bugzilla and attach the patch to it.
Please add me to the CC list (i am not a maintainer), so I can get my
hands on that code ASAP :)

As for the extension's code, you might want to open a merge request on

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