On Tuesday den 14. August 2012 at 03.32, Timo Dörr wrote:
Am 14.08.2012, 08:25 Uhr, schrieb Benjamín Valero EspinosaHi kakyoism, I would be glad to know if there is any chance to see thefuture builds of Banshee work in Snow Leopard. If not, perhaps it is thelast little push that I need to upgrade to Lion XDwell, the build should actually complete successfully on Snow Leopard. Thealpha bundles[1] I do are also built for Snow Leopard, but here is thecatch: Due to a nasty gtk-quartz bug, Banshee will crash upon startup onSL. I've tried to narrow down that bug a little but its quite hard todebug and my C skills are limited, so far I couldn't came up with atestcase to report it. And even if I can manage to do that, chances areslim it gets fixed, gtk-quarz backend isn't that good maintened as itslinux counterpart.[1]:GreetzTimo--Erstellt mit Operas revolutionärem E-Mail-Modul: http://www.opera.com/mail/_______________________________________________banshee-list mailing listhttps://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/banshee-list (unsubscribe here)