Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee 2.0 on Mac, and Building for Lion

Ah that makes a lot more sense. Hoping this is all hacked correctly
for banshee-1 to banshee renaming and such. The build itself is 2.1.3
+ as of today, against mono-addins master. I have not seen the problem
Olivier mentioned on g+ regarding non-functional extensions.

I'll see what I can do with regards to cleaning up the release script tomorrow.

Here goes, totally unofficial. Banshee 2.1.3 on OS X Lion. Testing
welcome. If it breaks something, you get to keep both pieces.

I apologize for the bittorrent, my connection is crap.
Ran it straight from the mounted volume and Banshee couldn't find system fonts (no text, just nibbles). Secondly, selecting preferences would freeze the program. Don't know if that's relevant at this point and time. When actually installing it seems to be working very well. Everything that's advertised (meaning all but CD, Device support, etc.) seems to work well. It actually starts up now, too (the current hosted version on won't start even on leopard - it was pretty broken).

Thanks so much for the building. Want a beer?

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