On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 5:22 PM, Jonas Urth Olsen <
jonas urthnet dk> wrote:
> Hi again
> Finally, I can show you the result of the usability test I conducted.
> Unfortunately I only manages to test Banshee on two users. I would have
> liked to test on more users, but it took more time than I expected, so I
> decided to cut down.
> I tested the Ubuntu One Music Store, as Amazon MP3 store is not available
> where I live (Denmark). The result from that test is not in this report, as
> I think it is more relevant to Canonical, besides that I still miss
> analysing that part of the test.
> I plan to turn the results into bug report the next days, but need to spend
> a bit time making sure that the problems have not been reported already.
> I found some more problems, that I have not documented yet, I need to look a
> bit more on those.
> Anyway here it is:
> (There might be a better place for such a document, so pleas let me know if
> I should upload it somewhere, Bugzill maybe?)
> Enjoy :-)
> /Jonas
> On 2011-04-11 15:40, Jonas Urth Olsen wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I saw the proposal of making a usability test based on the one Canonical
>> made on for Rhythmbox:
>> I thought about doing it, and would just make sure nobody else was on
>> it, and would hear if there any interest in getting it done? I can't
>> make it as extensive as the one made by Canonical. It would be with 3-4
>> persons, and some of the task might not get tested, like Last.fm, as I
>> think I will have problems getting users of that service. Beside that I
>> might change some of the tasks, if I think I have a better way to do it.
>> I think I need 2-3 weeks to prepare, test and report. So the question is
>> should I go ahead?
>> /Jonas
> --
> Jonas Urth Olsen
> Thesis student, studying open source communities.
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