Re: [Banshee-List] banshee not synchronising with iPod

On Thu, 2010-09-16 at 07:51 -0700, banjoman wrote:
> I am running KDE 4, the command banshee does not work from a terminal - do
> you have to cd to the folder the program is in?

Normally the commandline should be using the command
as originally the idea was to install it in parallel with Banshee 0.1x
 $  which banshee-1
    \     /   /
   /#. # #-  #  /
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TTTTTTTTTT  UU      UU    Eef Hartman, Linux Support Admin
    TT      UU      UU
    TT      UU      UU    Delft University of Technology
    TT      UU      UU    Dept. EWI/Computer Engineering
    TT      UU      UU    Mekelweg 4, room HB 15.050
    TT      UU      UU    2628 CD  Delft, The Netherlands
    TT       UU    UU     E-mail : E J M Hartman tudelft nl
    TT        UUUUUU      Phone  : +31-15-27 82525 (GSM 62525)

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