Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee not putting podcasts in correct location on iPhone

On 10/02/2010 02:46 AM, Michael Martin-Smucker wrote:
Yup, as Anthony said you can copy the Banshee folder to a different
location to avoid losing playcounts, ratings, playlists, etc.  Renaming
the current folder will make Banshee automatically create a new folder,
so something like: `mv ~/.config/banshee-1 ~/.config/banshee-1-bak`
should work.

One problem with this approach (correct me if I'm wrong) is that 
although Banshee will reimport all the music correctly (losing play 
counts and ratings I guess, but I don't use either), it won't reimport 
Podcasts that are in your library but that are gone from the RSS file. 
This happens fairly often with popular podcasts (i.e. This American 
Life) where, to keep bandwidth use down, only keep the latest episode 
available. All other podcasts still available need to be re-downloaded.
So, if you delete your banshee files, there's no way to get those old 
podcasts back into your banshee podcast library but to import them as 


On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Anthony Lucent <amlucent gmail com
<mailto:amlucent gmail com>> wrote:

    Copy it somewhere else first... then delete it so if it doesn't work
    you haven't lost anything.  Sorry if you had already considered this
    as obvious.

    On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 8:31 PM, bassmannate
    <nathanield reynolds gmail com
    <mailto:nathanield reynolds gmail com>> wrote:

        Is it possible something in the old Banshee database may have
        carried over?
        I've been using this database since 1.6 I believe. I don't like just
        deleting databases but if it will fix a problem I'll give it a shot.

        Michael Martin-Smucker wrote:
         > 1.8.0 is indeed the newest, and the AppleDevice extension is
        the one that
         > you need.  This "extension" actually ships with Banshee, so
        you already
         > have
         > it, and since you can sync music to the iPhone, you're
        definitely using
         > the
         > right extension.  As you saw in the closed bug report, this
         > still
         > be an issue with the version of Banshee that you're using, so
        if you're
         > running into that issue, you may want to reopen the report.
          Thoughts from
         > Alan?
         > Michael
         > On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 8:44 PM, bassmannate
         > <nathanield reynolds gmail com
        <mailto:nathanield reynolds gmail com>>wrote:
         >>  What versions are you using for Banshee and the extension?
        Check that
         >> you have the newest, I think 1.8 is not packed yet.
         >> Not sure what you mean. I know that I updated to this
        version of Banshee
         >> EARLY this morning: 1.8.0-1ubuntu1~hyper1+lucid through PPA.
        Not sure
         >> what
         >> extension I need. Looks like there aren't any extensions
        packed as you
         >> said
         >> on the PPA.
         >> Jensen Somers-3 wrote:
         >> >
         >> > Hi,
         >> >
         >> > On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 4:46 PM, bassmannate
         >> > <nathanield reynolds gmail com
        <mailto:nathanield reynolds gmail com>> wrote:
         >> >>
         >> >> So, I couldn't sleep last night and on a whim googled
        Banshee iPhone
         >> to
         >> >> see
         >> >> if it had been implemented yet. Quite ironic that it
        happened just 2
         >> days
         >> >> ago!
         >> >>
         >> >> Everything seems to be syncing just fine with the
        exception of
         >> podcasts.
         >> >> At
         >> >> first, I didn't think they were syncing at all. Then I
        found a closed
         >> bug
         >> >> report saying that podcasts were going to music on iPods.
        So, I
         >> looked,
         >> >> and
         >> >> sure enough, they're under music!
         >> >>
         >> >> Anyone know about this yet? I would really like to have
        my podcasts
         >> >> listed
         >> >> under podcasts. I'll post a logfile if someone will tell
        me where it
         >> >> would
         >> >> be on Ubuntu (I can never remember these things)
         >> >
         >> > Banshee 1.7.5 introduced a new AppleDevice communication
        which did not
         >> > yet provide Podcast support, which was added in Banshee
        1.8.0. So if
         >> > the files were transferred to your iPod with Banshee 1.7.5
        or 1.7.6
         >> > they received the wrong meta data information which means
        they only
         >> > show up under Music on your iPod. If you remove the files
        from your
         >> > iPod and transfer them again with Banshee 1.8.0 they
        should end up
         >> > correctly.
         >> >
         >> > - Jensen
         >> > _______________________________________________
         >> > banshee-list mailing list
         >> > banshee-list gnome org <mailto:banshee-list gnome org>
         >> >
          (unsubscribe here)
         >> >
         >> >
         >> Well, until today, I NEVER transfered music to my iPhone
        using Banshee.
         >> I've
         >> been using Rhythmbox for iPhone management. I used to use
        Banshee for my
         >> Sansa Fuze and loved it. When I got my iPhone and found out
        it worked
         >> with
         >> Rhythmbox (finally) I switched for the convenience of just
        having 1
         >> device.
         >> One more question: When I sync, the iPhone screen never
        stops showing the
         >> sync screen until I unplug the iPhone from the computer.
        Everything looks
         >> to
         >> have worked after the sync as long as Banshee shows that
        it's done. Is
         >> this
         >> just another quirk of not having all the proper extensions yet?
         >> --
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         >> Sent from the Banshee mailing list archive at
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    *Anthony Lucent*
    *(248) 805-1317
    amlucent gmail com <mailto:amlucent gmail com>*

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