Re: [Banshee-List] Importers 1.5 broken

Alexander Kojevnikov wrote:
> 2009/6/3 Ruud v A <banshee veniogames com>:
> How fast is it? CanImport is called each time the Import dialogue
> opens, does it slow it down?

First of all, I'm sorry for my late reply... I haven't been using Linux for
some time.
I ran some test, the first time it took 1,112843 seconds to find the
library, but after that each next time takes only about 0,77 seconds. This
scans eight drives in my computer, determines if there is a OS installed
with users, then scans the user folders for iTunes folders and then selects
the most recent one based on the username or not if they don't match. It
found two libraries and chose the right one.
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