Re: [Banshee-List] update music library


Perhaps, Banshee is trying to write something at the NTFS partition and have no write access? did you try to mount /media/Daten as read/write?

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Yves Alter <altery ethz ch> wrote:
You might want to try something like this (I don't know if this works
in sqlite though):

UPDATE CoreTracks SET URI = replace(URI, 'file:///media/DATA/daten/',

2009/1/30 Paul Lange <palango gmx de>:
> Am Freitag, den 30.01.2009, 18:52 +0100 schrieb Yves Alter:
>> The Banshee SQLite DB is stored in ~/.config/banshee-1/banshee.db.
>> You'd have to execute a query on it, that replaces the URI of the
>> offending tracks. The URI column is stored in the 'CoreTracks' table.
>> The tool 'sqlitebrowser' allows you to inspect the contents of the DB
>> graphically. But without SQL experience it's probably hard to create a
>> query that suits your needs and you might want to consider changing
>> the values manually, if there are only a few tracks which are affected
>> of this problem. And make a backup of the DB file before you mess
>> around with it :)
> I ran this query now: SELECT "Uri" FROM "CoreTracks" WHERE "Uri" LIKE
> "file:///media/DATA%"
> And it shows that 1000 songs have the old location in it. (out of
> ~3000).
> So I need some kind of query.
> Paul
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Ion Gonzalez Ceballos
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