Re: [Banshee-List] Artist Name

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 23:20, BossDj <LJ6782 cox net> wrote:
I have only seen one or two instances of this forever ago, sorry if it is
more frequent...

Couldn't there be/is there an option to ignore 'The' in front of 'The'
artists? The band is The Beatles, not Beatles. Much respect. I could go
through and change them all, but it's against the principle! And if lesser
music players like Exaile can do it, Banshee certainly can too.

I read an argument that Germans MIGHT have a band that starts with Die,
meaning The, AND a band that starts with Die, as in death, and that would
cause some problems. Odd, but understandable. But they could just untick the
option! Hell, default it unticked and I will tick it myself, I'm not lazy!

Thanks for letting me waste your time. If i've directed to the wrong
audience let me know.

There's a bug currently with some patch iterations flying around: I can't speak for John or Gabriel, but it looks like they're hammering out details right now that will properly fix it soon.

You can CC yourself to be notified of updates, and I'm guessing they will request people to test it if they need any help that way.

I'm not sure about the case of other languages, but it's certainly a concern. If I recall, it was addressed there? But I don't have time to review the bug's comments now.
Andrew Conkling

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