Re: [Banshee-List] [feature suggestion] library structure

2009/2/9 Christopher James Halse Rogers <chalserogers gmail com>:
> Personally, I don't think exposing as you've suggested in the main
> Banshee UI is a great idea. %foo variables in the UI either require a
> long, unwieldy list, or are completely magical - who knows whether %z is
> a variable, and if so, what its contents are?

What's wrong with a list of variable names?

> I think it would be useful to expose something equivalent somewhere in
> the UI, but certainly without magical variable names.  Possibly
> something more like the audio-profiles or smart playlist UI?  A
> selection of the available variables which could be added to the library
> template.

Don't forget that making up a similar UI means that the interface
becomes completely mouse-driven, or at least mouse-driven to the point
where keyboard interaction will be at worst a PITA and at best
annoyingly slow.

If you want to cater to the non-coders then perhaps provide both.  I
for one would rather go edit a config file than dick around with

Chris Howie

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