Re: [Banshee-List] Every time I add songs to my iPod, it removes the cover art from the ones that were already there!


On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 06:24, agentwiggles<agentwiggles gmail com> wrote:
> Well, Banshee has done an excellent job of being a linux based ipod manager,
> which is good. However, I have a problem. I just got the iPod, so I added
> about 800 songs to it last night. All the songs had album art that banshee
> had fetched or that had already been attached to the files. The album art
> displayed both in cover flow and while playing on my 4th gen ipod nano.
> However, tonight, when I added a few more songs, I somehow lost ALL the
> album art on the ipod. All the new songs still have album art attached, but
> anything that was added LAST time has lost it. The only solution I really
> have to this is to remove all the music from my iPod and add all of it
> again, which isn't really something I want to do.
> Any ideas why this is happening, and how to fix it? And is there a way to
> get the tracks that are already on the iPod to get their album art back?

There's at least one bug already describing this issue at

- Jensen

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