[Banshee-List] Packages of ipodsharp? (was: Re: Cannot run SVN after "make install")

Gabriel Burt wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 12:32 PM, "Andrés G. Aragoneses"
> <knocte gmail com> wrote:
>> Hey, it's easier to use --disable-ipod on the call to autogen.sh :)
>> BTW, any ideas on when we could enjoy a new packaged ipod-sharp release?
>> Is Banshee 1.3 going to be public somehow?
> It's a good policy to open a new thread when you have something new to
> talk about (just like you should open separate bugs for separate
> issues).
> Banshee 1.3 was a developer/unstable release, not intended for
> widespread public use.  There have been updated ipod-sharp packaged in
> the openSUSE Build Service for many days, and tarballs available at
> download.banshee-project.org.

Oh, sorry, I asked because I was not seeing updated packages in OBS. I
re-checked and it turns out I was looking just in the Mono:Community
repository. Now I see that there's another repo for Banshee, so thanks
for the info! Kudos to the packagers and the devs!



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