Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee mockup

On 2/3/07, Lukas Spierings <spie loti nl> wrote:
 I've made a mockup of a futuristic Banshee. You can find it here. It is
just an idea that I came up with. Notice the vertical browse-by-letter bar.
It is inspired by the iPhone contact list browser. It doesn't use a lot of
valuable space, like the original browser window in iTunes/Rhythmbox. It can
sort by album, artist and foldertree.

A few questions:
So when you click on a letter, you'll jump to that artist in the
library? Or will you filter to only see that letter?
What about an album that has less than 10 tracks? Would the album art
shrink to fit? What about one that 3 tracks? That would be small cover
art, with two lines of text. (I know I have a lot of classical albums
that only have a few tracks.)

I like!


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