Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee mockup

Andrew Conkling wrote:
> So when you click on a letter, you'll jump to that artist in the
> library? Or will you filter to only see that letter?

I think it should just scroll (jump) to the first artist / album /
whatever (depending on sort type) that begins with the letter clicked.
Also I think that the A-Z list should be composed dynamically - so that
it wouldn't show those that aren't available (or disable them - I
haven't made up my mind, yet).

> What about an album that has less than 10 tracks? Would the album art
> shrink to fit? What about one that 3 tracks? That would be small cover
> art, with two lines of text. (I know I have a lot of classical albums
> that only have a few tracks.)

The thumbnail's size should be like three-fourths of the column's width
(adjustable, of course) and if the album should have less rows than the
thumbnail and the artist/album title labels below, there should be a
fill-up row below the height of the remaining place.

That's my €2/100 :)

Michał Sawicz

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