Re: [Banshee-List] MTP support for Banshee...


Thanks for the tip on permissions...I haven't run into that myself. I'll see if I can replicate that on my end and patch that. I've seen Banshee crash a lot when Initialize() fails repeatedly, which is what it looks like is happening.

As for the non-perms related issue, that's definitely a libgphoto2 problem. If you could send me the debug out put to `env LANG=c gphoto2 --debug -L` that'd be useful :)

Catch up with me (trick) or _Marcus_, the ptp2 (MTP) driver developer on and we'll help you out!



Patrick "Trick" van Staveren
Western Michigan University
Cell: 269.267.6008

----- Message from m j hutchinson gmail com ---------
    Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 22:51:22 +0100
    From: Michael Hutchinson <m j hutchinson gmail com>
Reply-To: banshee-list gnome org
 Subject: Re: [Banshee-List] MTP support for Banshee...
      To: banshee-list gnome org

On 5/24/06, Patrick van Staveren <trick vanstaveren us> wrote:
rm /usr/local/lib/libgphoto2_port/0.6.0/disk.*

Then try Banshee again :)

As long as it works, the debug output on the line that says "Device:
vendor=xxxx product=xxxx" should return something other than -1 :)

Well, it almost works...

Running as root, it recognises the device and begins to scan, then
errors out with an uncaught exception. Looks like a problem in
libgphoto2 - see attached file for details.

The other attached file is what happens when I'm not root - it's a USB
permissions issue which I need to fix, but should not cause a crash.


----- End message from m j hutchinson gmail com -----

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