Re: [Banshee-List] Updated MTP DAP patch available...

Hey Patrick.  Sorry for not posting my results to the list, but I was
able to get the patch to compile last week by changing the OnTrackAdded
    I'm using the patch with a Creative Zen MicroPhoto and it generally
works quite well.
    There we two pretty big bugs that I noticed:
    1) As tracks are being transferred to the device, my RAM usage goes
up very quickly.  If I add any significant number of albums (10 or so)
it will eat up all of my 1GB of RAM.  Exiting banshee frees the memory
properly, though.
    2) Adding a song that is already on the player will cause the player
to no longer connect to banshee properly.  So, drag over song A,
disconnect, restart banshee, drag over song A again, disconnect.  The
next time I run banshee I can't connect to my device.  I reformatted the
player a couple of times to confirm this and it happened consistently.

I'll let you know if I notice any other problems, but I'm just happy to
have something this easy to use working with this player.  The
auto-transcoding and such is absolutely smooth.   Thanks again.


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