Re: Two issues

Hi Albrecht,

On 07/18/2018 08:14:57 AM Wed, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
Hi Peter:

Am 17.07.18 22:30 schrieb(en) Peter Bloomfield:
I just created two issues on Balsa's Gitlab site, describing two misbehaviors; see 
<URL:> (many thanks to Albrecht for alerting me to one of them!). 
Turns out that a one-line patch to GtkTextView fixes both of them, and I've made a merge request for it--no action 

Would it be possible to fix the issue outside Gtk, i.e. in Balsa's sources?  I'm afraid it will takes ages 
until a fixed Gtk version is available in all distos, and the effect is really /very/ annoying…

The only fix that I know of is to set the GtkTextView margins to zero. You get /almost/ the same visual 
effect by using GtkWdget margins, which reserve the same space around the text, but it's filled with a 
different background color; in my setup it's a pale grey instead of white--not a big deal.

That change fixes both the no-shrink issue and the button-creep issue in the message window. It also fixes 
the no-shrink issue in the compose window when GtkSourceView is /not/ being used. For some reason it doesn't 
solve the problem when GtkSourceView is used--can't figure out why…

Talking about annoying UI effects – since a longer time, the height of the entries in the message tree view 
/sometimes/ doubles for /some/ messages.  Closing and re-opening the respective mailbox overview tab 
typically fixes it.  Anyone else saw the effect?

Yes, it's been remarked on a few times on the list. I've tinkered a bit to see if there's an easy fix, and 
never found one. GtkTreeView rendering is a nightmare!

It's basically just making noise, but it helps to keep the underlying issue bubbling up in the Gtk issue 
list--I'd hate to see it scroll to the second (or worse) page!

Thanks, that's really good!

Commenting on the Balsa issue, or the parent Gtk issue, or the merge request all help to keep the issue in 
front of the Gtk devs!



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