Re: [Patch] use glib for digest calculations (was: Re: Sv: Balsa release?)

Hi Peter:

Am 29.12.16 17:13 schrieb(en) Peter Bloomfield:
I attached to wrong patch which causes a leak.  Please forget the 1st post, and try this one.

Sorry for the delayed reply. I've installed the patch and built with it, and I'm using the patched Balsa now. 
But I don't seem to have exercised that code path--I sprinkled in some g_messages, and nothing has been 
printed. What would I need to set up in order to actually test it?

For the hmac stuff (imap_auth_cram), you need access to an imap server supporting the 'CRAM-MD5' 
authentication mechanism.  Unfortunately, I don't have access to such a server (dovecot supports it, though), 
so (iirc) I extracted the old and new methods from the source to compare their output.

The function compute_auth_hash() is used for the APOP pop3 authentication method.  You can check it e.g. by locally 
running inetsim (see <>), or again by comparing the old and new results.

Hope this helps,

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