Re: ANNOUNCE: balsa-2.3.13 released

On 2006.06.27 00:29, Mark Flacy wrote:
On 2006.06.26 16:44, Pawel Salek wrote:
> On 06/26/2006 11:02:47 PM, Mark Flacy wrote:
> > *sigh* Editing long To, CC, or BCC lists are still a pain in the
> >  I get e-mails with 8 or more entries in them and it is painful to
> > find the one that you want to remove when they are all in a row.
> There is no easy solution for this. The completion is easy to implement

> only for single line text widgets (GtkEntry). The multiline widget
> GtkTextView does not support it... I would rather not reinvent the
> wheel. Suggestions? Can you propose some solution? How does it work in

> other programs?

Well, Thunderbird provides a line per address with the To, CC, or BCC tag
selectable per line.

I (personally) would be quite happy if there was a special widget that
allowed me to see just the _current_ e-mail addresses on the address line
so that I could easily identify and *remove* people from the list.
Adding people is easy enough and it doesn't matter if they are on the
front of the list or the end.  It's only a pain to *remove* people.

A first and very simple approach would be an automagic loading of the current mail addresses when opening the corresponding addressbook icon?

> Pawel


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