Re: ANNOUNCE: balsa-2.3.13 released

On 2006.06.26 15:42, Pawel Salek wrote:
> Hello,
> Balsa team proudly announces the release of balsa-2.3.13 available at
> You can download balsa-2.3.13 directly from
> maybe

> It will also be soon available in FedoraExtras development repository.
> Major highlights of this balsa release wrt 2.3.12 are:
>      * some deadlock fixes.
>      * memory leaks plugged.
>      * nicer icons.

*sigh* Editing long To, CC, or BCC lists are still a pain in the butt.  I get e-mails with 8 or more entries in them and it is painful to find the one that you want to remove when they are all in a row.

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