Re: ANNOUNCE: balsa-2.3.13 released

On 2006.06.27 10:14, Pawel Salek wrote:
On 06/27/2006 10:01:33 AM, Steffen Klemer wrote:

On 2006.06.26 22:42, Pawel Salek wrote:


Balsa team proudly announces the release of balsa-2.3.13 available at

You can download balsa-2.3.13 directly from

It will also be soon available in FedoraExtras development repository.

Major highlights of this balsa release wrt 2.3.12 are:
     * some deadlock fixes.
     * memory leaks plugged.
     * nicer icons.

I completly removed and reinstalled balsa (cvs) but it still throws
" could not load image: Symbol »balsa_mbox_tray_full« nicht im Thema vorhanden" (in english: ..."not in the current theme")

Where are the icons supposed to be? I can't find a scripts that installs them?!

I am bit confused myself, too, partially because I do not see these messages. Have you run balsa with strace (eg. strace -olog balsa)? I wonder whether the gtk2 version or the distribution setup is relevant...

I'll look at it at the weekend!
The strange thing is that I can't find the icons in /usr/share/icons. They don't seem to be installed there but in $prefix$/share/balsa/highcolor/...
which seems not correct to me.


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