Re: Re : Re : Re : problem with dialogue boxes

Hi Jean-Luc!

Am 23.01.04 22:58 schrieb(en) Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh):
> Retrying with the attachement ... (I kept the message for you).

Thanks a lot -- I could verify it without any problem, from both a mbox
file as well as from a maildir. Arrgh!!!

> gpg is 1.2.4

Should be fine.

> gpgme is 0.4.3

Not the latest release, but should also be fine for gpg 1.2 4 (it doesn't
work with the new alpha gpg 1.9.3 needed for s/mime, but that's a  
completely different story...).

I'm really confused now, as the first message (" data...") clearly  
comes from the gpgme_op_verify() operation and says that gpgme/gpg could  
not read the signature, although the stream containing it had been opened  

May I ask you to do a little more debugging for me? It would be **really**  

(1) Please run (assuming you use bash) in a terminal the command

ldd $(which balsa) | grep '\(gpg\|thread\)'

to check which libs balsa actually uses. There were serious problems in  
threading and gpgme interaction in the past, so I'ld like to know if the  
correct libs are used. I see something like => /lib/ (0x0f2fe000) => /opt/gnome-2.4/lib/ (0x0f1a0000) => /usr/lib/ (0x0e906000) => /usr/lib/ (0x0e8e2000)

(2) Please run balsa from a terminal using the command (bash, again)

GPGME_DEBUG=5:/tmp/balsa-gpgme.log balsa

This command activates gpgme debugging to the file /tmp/balsa-gpgme.log.  
Now select **only** one of the problematic messages producing the two  
error boxes, exit balsa, and send me the log file.

(2b) Please check the terminal output if balsa *really* loaded the correct  
gpgme lib (paranoia check...;-)). For you, the first line of output should  

** Message: init gpgme version 0.4.3

Thanks a lot in advance for your help,


P.S.: BTW, did you ever upload your pgp key to a server? I always get the  
red padlock for your messages...

 Albrecht Dreß  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13  -  D-53123 Bonn (Germany)
       Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -

PGP signature

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