Re : problem with dialogue boxes

Le 22.01.2004 20:48, Albrecht Dreß a écrit :
> Am 22.01.04 19:57 schrieb(en) Andreas Schmidt:
>> I recently started to experiment with gpg and noticed that there may  
>> be a little problem with balsa.
>> When I click on a signed msg in the list window and the signature  
>> cannot be verified, 2 info boxes open. One is an error message  
>> "GPGME: signature verification failed: No data", which is in the  
>> backgroud; the other is the info window from balsa: "Checking the  
>> signature of the message ... returned: An error prevented the  
>> signature verification."
> Ummm.... that should not happen! Balsa should display only a single  
> box, even if there is an error. However, I'm a bit confused about the  
> error message itself. "No data" indicates that either the message is

BTW, I have also got this message for the first time (If I remember),  
this evening.... Several messages from teh same guy, then other  
messages from him with a correctly decded signature. (I'm using the CVS  
for -2-0)

			- Jean-Luc

> completely broken (either the signature or the signed stuff is  
> completely empty), or that your gpg setup is not completely correct.  
> Are you able to verify signatures from other messages, or is this the  
> only one which produces errors? Anyway, I'll fix that...
> Thanks for pointing me to that,
> 	Albrecht
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Albrecht Dreß  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13  -  D-53123 Bonn  
> (Germany)
>       Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -
> _________________________________________________________________________

PGP signature

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