Some suggestions

Hi again,

Well, since it's late and I won't have time to investigate all this on 
Bugzilla, here are my impressions after using Balsa 2.0.5 as my main 
client for two days:

- There are some corruption problems with displaying and storing of 
some messages. Not easily reproducible but a bug report is in Bugzilla 

- When entering a large number of email adresses in the To: line, you 
can't see completion of the email messages at the right end of the 
entry widget. This is a bug.

- The addressbook functionality could use some sprucing up (but I guess 
that means revamping GnomeCard).

- In the print menu, when you are doing changes, you only have two 
buttons: Apply and Cancel but the Apply button is always greyed out. 
You changes are taken into account but it's just weird behaviour froma 
UI perspective.

- Signatures are not always appended correctly

- If you set the Request Disposition Notification option while 
composing a message, it stay on and affects all subsequent messages. It 
should either affect  only the current message, or be moved to the 
Preferences menu.

- It would be nice to be able to sort messages by subject matter or by 
sender. This isn't currently possible, I think.

- I couldn't figure out how to print a message. Most likely a 
keyboard-and-chair problem.

Those are the things I remember which bugged me. Overall, though, Balsa 
is a pretty good MUA. Unless I find something really awful, looks like 
I'll adopt it as my MUA.

Overall, great work! My thanks to the developers and hopefully next 
week I won't complain so much. :-)

Have a great weekend,


Laurent Duperval <>

  14. Never draw fire, it irritates everyone around you.

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