Some bugs for balsa 2.0.2


first of all - Balsa is a very neat program. In fact I am trying to use 
it instead of Evolution and the better it gets, the happier I am.

Now I know the proper place to send bugreports to is the GNOME 
bugsystem, but I hope you pardon me for being a little lazy and just 
writing down all that has troubled me in the last 24h.

My system: Debian unstable, PPC, gcc-3.2. If you need any other 
information, just ask.

So here goes:


* Balsa does not open INBOX at startup although instructed so
* When opening a mailbox, some message in the middle gets selected by 
default (say I have 100 messages in INBOX, then on opening INBOX, 
message 49 or 50 will get selected). It should remember previously 
selected message or select none at all
* Mailbox view doesn't remember sorting criteria (From, Subject, 
* Mailbox view does not allow selecting multiple messages (for deleting 
or moving)
* Mailbox view handles focus incorrectly. The message list never gets 
focus, so up/down keys and <enter> don't work for selecting and opening 
* In the context menu, where you can mark existing boxes as 
Inbox|Sentbox|something, Outbox is missing so I am stuck with the one I 
set up at first start (I later pointed others over to my Evolution 
maildir boxes and it has worked flawlessly)
* Unless the option "destroy and delete messages utterly and 
immidiately" or similar is selected, deleted messages don't get deleted 
when emtying the trash.
* There are a lot of messages that crash balsa and not all of them are 
Asian SPAM letters. This has forced me to switch off preview pane (with 
the auto-selecting a message in the middle bug, you can get into a loop 
this way - balsa crashes for some message in a mailbox, when you reopen 
balsa and select the box, it auto-selects a buggy message in the middle 
and crashes again. Have to be quick to select another mailbox ;). I 
would be happy to send such mails to you, but I obviously don't want my 
personal correspondence available in the Bug system.
* POP timeout is too small and it is not identified as timeout. I had a 
lot of trouble until I discovered that my POP3 server was trying to 
send me back and ident request which timed out, but balsa gave up even 
earlier. The server was RH7.2 with xinetd 2.3.3 (that did the ident 
lookup), don't know about others. I disabled the ident lookup, but 
increasing POP timeout should do the trick in cases where server is out 
of your control.
* Selecting Filters from the Edit menu always crashes Balsa

Feature requests
* When downloading POP messages, it would be preferable to see the 
count of messages, not the bytes downloaded
* Is there a reason for headers being in the order that Subject is 
before CC:. It confuses me, but maybe there's a reason?

I hope this is of help and as I said - if you need detailed 
information, let me know.


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