(no subject)

Dear balsa-list members,

My best wishes for 2001 first!

I would like to share my personnal mailboxes between Eudora (Winxx) and some Unix Mail User Agent (MUA)
like Balsa
without any conversion.

I want to keep my mailboxes under a Win partition, user-mounted when I run Linux (SuSE)
and consult and update (via POP3) them.

Could you tell me if this could be possible with Balsa as MUA under Linux?
Is there a Winxx implementation of Balsa?

Thank you very much for your answers.

                                         Patrice MOREAUX
Dpt. de Mathematiques et Informatique                         LERI-RESYCOM
UFR de Sciences Exactes et                                  Universite de Reims
Naturelles de Reims                                              Champagne-Ardenne
                          BP 1039 -- 51687 REIMS Cedex 2

Tel: (33 3)/(03) ou 33.67     Telecopie: (33 3)/(03) 
email: patrice.moreaux@univ-reims.fr     http://www.univ-reims.fr/resycom

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