Re: Bug when typing '('

On 2001.01.18 17:05:09 +0000 Brian Stafford wrote:
> Berend De Schouwer wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > When typing '(' in the compose window, in To: or Cc:, the character
> > gets sent to the LDAP database, which spits out an error that
> > the search failed.
> > 
> > Should LibBalsaAddressEntry filter these out, or should
> > LibBalsaAddressBookLdap filter these out?
> I assume that this is a clash with the LDAP filters syntax, see RFC 2254
> The parentheses must be quoted as follows when generating the LDAP
> filter,
> my personal feeling is that this should be at a low level in the LDAP
> specific code and should not percolate up into the user interface.
> [Quote from RFC 2254]
>    If a value should contain any of the following characters
>             Character       ASCII value
>             ---------------------------
>             *               0x2a
>             (               0x28
>             )               0x29
>             \               0x5c
>             NUL             0x00
>     the character must be encoded as the backslash '\' character (ASCII
>     0x5c) followed by the two hexadecimal digits representing the ASCII
>     value of the encoded character. The case of the two hexadecimal
>     digits is not significant.

Sounds like a job for a libldap not the user code.

Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey:
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