Re: Some ideas of improvments

"Jason A . Smith" wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 12 2001 09:41:41 Gediminas Paulauskas wrote:
> > Buvo Pr, 2001-02-12 08:13+0100, kai Jonas Aaberg rašė:
> > > I would like to be able to use different smtp servers and
> > > "From:" addresses.
> >
> > I wonder why people need several SMTP servers? No matter how much email
> > account do you have, use your nearest server (the one which your ISP gives
> > to you).
Because me ISP is not specially good at keeping their SMTP server
running. And
also if I want to send a mail with another from address than the ISP
gave me,
the smtp yells about that.. So that is why I  would like to have several

> > You can create an address book of your own adresses, and use a little book
> > on the right of "From:" address to select. Or let autocompletion work...
Yes, or why not the same as you select your signature file with, because
won't have more than a few different "From:" addresses.
> Actually I think he was refering to user-profiles or whatever you want
> to call them.
Not really, I just would really like to have different "From:" with
smtp servers. (Since most smtp servers only allow you to send mail with
correct end address.)


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