Re: Compiling 0.9.3

Matthew Guenther wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 01, 2000 at 10:56:49PM +0200, Pablo Lopez Cienfuegos wrote:
> >       Hi all:
> >
> > > I think we should leave things as is. People who havethe buggy compiler
> > > can use --disable-more-warnings
> >
> >       I don't think so. Al least, you should have to put some kind of advise
> > in INSTALL or README. If people can get Balsa to compile, they'll
> > probably try another mail client; not all of them are going to write to
> > the list for help.
> There already is an advisory in the INSTALL file about using older versions
> of gcc/egcs.  People who don't know how to compile and fix problems like
> this, and don't read the INSTALL file should be installing from packages
> any-ways.  This is fundamentally a system mis-configuration problem, and it's
> not our job to administer every machine that wants to compile balsa.

Is it *really* a configuration issue? I have gcc-2.95.2, which is
the current release. I still need to compile with --disable-more-warnings,
as as far as I can tell the problem is caused by a compiler bug, not
a configuration issue.

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paul Barnfather ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
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