Re: 0.7 Release (was Re: Another balsa bug...)

On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 04:36:31PM +0100, Pawel Salek wrote:
> And we must find a way to make the bug tracking system functioning. (it's
> just too cumbersome for me to go everyday to the website and check the
> list
> of open bugs; does anybody know a better solution?)

There must be a way of setting the 'maintainer' --- the person to whom
all bug correspondance is automatically emailed.  The system is based
on the debian one, and on the debian one, the maintainer is
automatically set by an uplaod. However, that obviously doesn't apply
in the gnome case. Possibly is the person to

> Something has to be done with the website: the present one is
> plainly dead.  Couldn't we have a site on GNOME server in such a way
> that one could update it via CVS?

I would think so. Again, ask webmaster? Or miguel?  Or stuart?


Jules Bean                          |        Any sufficiently advanced 
jules@{,}  |  technology is indistinguishable              |               from a perl script

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