Re: Discuss GNOME.Asia program

On 9 April 2012 14:09, Haggen So <haggenso gmail com> wrote:
Hi All,

I combined (hopefully) the suggestions above and created a schedule at

Dear Haggen,

Do we have another schedule than the one up on the website?
Did you paste a wrong link here?



Please check.


On 9 April 2012 11:54, Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com> wrote:
> Good idea, yes, we should have a opening session to introduce
> GNOME.Asia Summit history and background.
> -Emily
> 2012/4/6 Will LaShell <will lashell net>:
>> We could combine the Summit introduction  with the first keynote. Say 15 to 30 minutes of conference introduction and then lead right into the Keynote.
>> Will
>> On Apr 6, 2012, at 5:22 AM, Emily Chen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would suggest we make the program more flexible. Every year, the
>>> program will change from time to time.  Even the last minute.  For
>>> example, 2011 in Banglore, the 2 days program became a 1.5 days
>>> because of an important match in Indian.
>>> So it doesn't matter if the schedule didn't look like what on the
>>> brochure at all.
>>> I would propose to make it more flexible, based on the GNOME and
>>> GNOME.Asia  tradition , our preferences are:
>>> 1. Prepare 3 tracks, 2 tracks are technical talks, and one track for
>>> community meet up. Not sure if we have 3 rooms at the same time.
>>> 2. 30 mins or 45 mins or 1 hours, both works, it depends on the number
>>> of talks we accept.
>>> 3. Tea time is a good idea, if we found sponsors, that would be great;
>>> Even we have no sponsors for the the tea, we can call it "Booth time",
>>> to gather people to the booth and encourage them to communicate.
>>> 4. I prefer 1 (or 2) keynote(s) in the morning and 1 keynote in the
>>> afternoon. We can arrange the morning keynote in the beginning of the
>>> day, and afternoon keynote after the "Tea time".
>>> We would like to hear Sammy and Haggen's opinion, they know the local
>>> culture well, their opinions are matter.
>>> -Emily
>>> 2012/4/6 Max <sakanamax hotmail com>:
>>>> Dear Chandni and ALL:
>>>> On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Chandni Verma
>>>> <chandniverma2112 gmail com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Max,
>>>>> On 6 April 2012 11:21, Max <sakanamax gmail com> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear ALL:
>>>>>> According the proposal
>>>>>> We will have
>>>>>> * 3 Keynoes ( GNOME 3.4 | The GNOME Foundation | Platium Sponsor  )
>>>>>> * 14 talks ( 2 tracks | each 7 talks )
>>>>>> * 12 Lighting talks ( 2 tracks | each 6 [ 5 mins / 30 min])
>>>>>> for one day
>>>>> If you think everything will fit in the time span, it looks good!
>>>>> I think you can have a better dividing the day in 1 hour spans.
>>>> I think the question is " How many real time we will give to speaker"
>>>> In Taiwan We always give  "tea time"  in the morning( about 10:30 -
>>>> 11.00 ) and afternoon ( 15:00 - 15:30 )
>>>> everybody could reference
>>>> There are some reason
>>>> 1. People could go booth ( GNOME booth and sponsor booth <-- It's very
>>>> important ), And the sponsor will be happy.
>>>> 2. It could be buffer ( If some session delay we could use tea time to
>>>> adjust it)
>>>> 3. People could talk and exchange to each other ( if you just listen
>>>> and see the talk for 3 or 6 hours, people always getting tired), I
>>>> think they need exercise and rest( for good quality )
>>>> If we decide give speaker real 30 mins
>>>> for the time block We should have 35 - 40 mins
>>>> ---- Because session host must find out the speaker, and speaker will
>>>> test their Notebook
>>>> ---- People maybe want to change room for different session
>>>> If we decide give total time 30 mins for all of these
>>>> ---- We should have tee time block to buffer
>>>> ---- We should tell speaker, maybe they just have 20 or 25 mins ( And
>>>> host must find out the speaker ^^ )
>>>> ---- Host will introduce the speaker and speaker will test their
>>>> Notebook, it will spend 5 mins
>>>> ---- People may ask some question if they interest the topic
>>>> Does it make sense?
>>>> Please give some suggestion ^^
>>>>>> Should we create the program page now? ( we must discuss it ^^)
>>>>>> *But we must confirm ( for program page)
>>>>>> -- 2 tracks session
>>>>>> ---- Basic 2 tracks and 2 rooms
>>>>>> -- how many rooms we have?
>>>>>> ----how big,Room number( It's not important now !!)
>>>>> Depending on an estimate number of students attending!
>>>>>> ----We should send the document to CityU as soon as possible
>>>>>> -- how many Platium Sponsor?
>>>>> as many as we can get! :)
>>>>>> -----It depend our call for sponsor, I mean if our platium sponsor
>>>>>> increase, we must adjust some block
>>>>>> -- Is it a good idea put some key notes in afternoon ?  ( After Lunch )
>>>>> I think, keynotes should be at the beginning of the event.
>>>> We need more suggestion for keynotes.
>>>> If someone just want to listen keynotes, they will left in the afternoon.
>>>> If someone just want to listen some topic, they will come in the afternoon.
>>>> We must keep people stay in conference. ( I think )
>>>>>> ------ I mean   2 keynotes  and 4 talks in the morning  1 keynote and
>>>>>> 10 talks in the afternoon
>>>>>> ------ Does it make sense, I think if we put all talk in the afternoon
>>>>>> - maybe some people will come in the after noon -- and we could have
>>>>>> two type (keynotes and talk) for half day
>>>>>> We should send the document to CityU as soon as possible ^^
>>>>> Feel free to make adjustments to the letter I drafted to needs but when it's
>>>>> done, please get it confirmed from either Emily, Brian or Karen.
>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>> Max
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> _/_/  openSUSE Ambassador - Taiwan _/_/
>>>>>> _/_/  mail:   _/_/
>>>>>> _/_/  twitter: sakanamax                     _/_/
>>>>>> _/_/  nickname: sakana                      _/_/
>>>>>> --
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Chandni Verma
>>>>> IRC: glassrose [on and FreeNode]
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>>>> Best regards
>>>> Max
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Chandni Verma
IRC: glassrose [on and FreeNode]

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