Dear all,
Please find below the agenda of our meeting tomorrow, let's update
each other on our action items before the meeting, see you
June 7 2011 Tuesday
Time: 14:00 UTC (1 hour)
Channel: #asia-summit at server
- Previous action items updates [1]
- Launch the marketing video - update from Max
Discuss on supporting MOSC2011 (speaker and
- Finalize the survey 2011 and send out (require testing from
our members)
- Call for hosts 2012 status and update
- Update on new projects [2]
- Other open topics
[1] Previous AIs:
- Max - Max will send another cut video in coming days
- Max - Max will translate Linux Pilot article and follow up
with Linux Pilot
- Bharath to finalize expense report and receipts to send to the
Foundation upon approval
- Allan - Try to call for people from Philippine FOSS Community
to Organize install-fest of GNOME 3
Pockey sent email to Sankar P and introduce
other Indian GUGs to receive OpenSUSE dvds (DONE)
- Pockey - Questionnaires [3] is finalized, Pockey will put them
in limesurvey (DONE)
- Emily - Propose to marketing list to add "GNOME Users Group "
Section in Quarterly report and GNOME Journal (DONE)
- Emily, Pockey - Write articles for GNOME Q1 report about GNOME
Users Group. Emily will focus on GNOME China, GNOME Store;
Pockey will focus on the status of new users group in Indian.
- Pockey to send out Call for host 2012 (DONE)
[2] New projects during the year
- GUGs meeting kit - Fred / sakana
- generic website - Fred / Pockey
- moving all the 2008,9,10 websites to the new VPS - Fred
- GNOME store in India - Pockey
- GNOME 3 apps in 5 minutes - Bharath
- Local Volunteers how to for event
- Fred / sakana / Emily will build up some documentation for
volunteer team to work on their tasks
- Sakana will write a document for GNOME booth
- Quarterly report for GNOME User Groups updates - Emily /