Dear all,
Please be reminded of the meeting on 28 Sep (Tuesday) at 1400 UTC.
Date: Sep 28, 2010
Time: 1400 UTC
Channel: #asia-summit @GIMPNet
On top of the agenda items we sent earlier, we will also
brainstorm ideas for building and growing the Taiwan GNOME User
Group with Max.
On 09/26/2010 03:49 PM, Pockey Lam wrote:
Dear all,
Please find below the agenda for the upcoming IRC meeting and
thanks Allan to take notes.
Date: Sep 28, 2010 (Tuesday)
Time: 1400 UTC
Channel: #asia-summit @GIMPNet
1) Update on our pre-event survey for GNOME.Asia Summit
2) Updates from each potential country hosts i.e. India ,
Indonesia and Hong Kong
3) Update on the status of our three mailing lists
4) Brainstorm ideas for the event box / kit for local users group
(everybody have a look at
before the meeting)
5) Discuss about GNOME stores in Asia
6) Discuss about GNOME.Asia website: adding new contents
If you have any other agenda items to suggest, please feel free to
let us know.