Open discussion proposal: New mail list configuration

During the irc meeting there were a couple of lines of discussion
regarding the existing mail lists. Right now we have a proposal to align
the asia summit mail lists as follows:

gnome-asia-committee:  This will be a closed list consisting of the
primary GNOME.Asia Committee. It will be used for strategic discussions
regarding the open action items for the members, and the guidance of
GNOME.Asia and the annual Summit.

gnome-asia-summit:  This will be a list that will be cleared annually
before planning of the following years GNOME.Asia Summit. It will be
utilized for the coordination of the Summit's local team, Summit
planning, and the primary communication point between the GNOME.Asia
Committee and the local team. Members will be added as they volunteer
for work on the Summit.

gnome-asia: This is an all purpose list that will be a focal point for
discussion of GNOME, GNOME technologies, Non-planning Summit discussion,
and communication in general about increasing the visibility and
penetration of GNOME into Asian regions.

I'd like to collect feedback about these ideas and invite everyone to
give alternative views or ideas for this proposal. 

Please feel free to email me directly if you don't feel comfortable
answering in a more public forum.


Will LaShell

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