Re: Meeting Minutes and Log - GNOME.Asia IRC meeting 7 Sep 2010


Also, many people who should attend such an event are located in
Europe. While the Philippines is a good option to consider, perhaps
somewhere closer to Europe (such as Turkey or India) might be more

Note that if we are going to ping different people in the GNOME
community to see if they will come, then I think it would be better
to provide people with options and find out which locations might
be more successful and draw more people.  If we sound like we
have already picked a location, then people may not consider the
idea fully.

Also, it might be good to check the travel costs from international
flight hubs to various potential places in Asia and make sure that we
pick a location where travel is not too expensive.  Since the GNOME
Foundation may have to pay travel costs for people, we want to make
sure that the costs are not too burdensome.

It might be a good idea to ask people questions to get a feel for
how many people would consider attending but only if The GNOME
Foundation covers their travel costs.

I don't know, perhaps a survey could be used for this sort of


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