Re: Meeting Minutes and Log - GNOME.Asia IRC meeting 7 Sep 2010


_For GNOME.Asia Hackfest 2011_

We discussed about GNOME.Asia Hackfest 2011 (initiated by Brian Cameron)
and thought that can be a 5 + 1 days event, 5 days of Hackfest plus 1
day of conference

Although I suggested the idea, I do not think I am in a position to
drive this task.

Time: March 2011 (GNOME 3.0 release ~)

Objectives: To launch GNOME 3.0 and get all those top developers which
is a great motivation for anyone else in Asia to come and help, talk to
them. Developers can also hack on top of GNOME 3.0. And it will serve as
a release party to do more PR and marketing for GNOME in Asia as well.

Potential participants:
Hackfest: GNOME developers and GNOME marketing people
Conference: GNOME developers / users and people interested into GTK+
technology (can be companies)

Capacity: 5 days Hackfest (70 people) + 1 day conference (150 - 300 people)

City and Venue requirements:
On top of the checklist from:
Hackfest rooms must have:
1) good Internet
2) inexpensive (or free)
3) accommodation not far and cheap
4) a few rooms for different sessions
5) tables and seats / sofa
6) relaxing place
7) coffee served :)

* potential venues for Hackfest: Universities, guest house, office, etc.

Conference room (for 1 day) should be able to accommodate 150 - 300 people.

* We will try to find a city with max. 1 hour or 2 hours driving from
the international airport

Potential countries to host GNOME.Asia Hackfest 2011:
Philippines, Indonesia, India Hong Kong (maybe we will have others after
announcing the "call for host") - those countries / cities are the
potential host for the upcoming years.

For Philippines: Allan discussed with the Philippine Open Source
Network. They're willing to do the leg work and proposed to do it in
Boracay (white sand ftw). However, 2011 Q1 is too soon, so they rather
plan for GNOME.Asia 2012
7. Brian to comment / advice on the briefing of the GNOME.Asia Hackfest
2011 above in this meeting notes

I think it is too premature to "announce" a GNOME 3.0 Hackfest.  Such a
hackfest would only be successful if there is enough interest from key
players in the GNOME community to attend such an event.

Also, many people who should attend such an event are located in
Europe.  While the Philippines is a good option to consider, perhaps
somewhere closer to Europe (such as Turkey or India) might be more

Before making concrete plans, I think it would be good to first touch
base with some key teams (such as the GNOME release team, the docs
team, the Marketing team, and others who will be involved with the
actual mechanics of doing the launch) and see how many people might be
interested in traveling to Asia for such an event.  Whether or not
we can plan such an event probably depends a lot on their response.
I would send some emails to the various team lists and see if there
is any interest first.  If not, then perhaps we should have a plan B.


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