Re: CANCEL | GNOME.Asia Nov 23 Meeting | CANCEL

No problem, let's meet HK team one more week later.


2010/11/19 Pockey Lam <pockeylam gnome org>
Dear all,

The Hong Kong team is very serious about meeting the committee and just asked for one more week to prepare for the agenda items (they insisted). So they will join our meeting on 30 November Tuesday instead.

If it is okay for you, I propose to cancel our 23rd November meeting and let our potential hosts concentrate on preparing their proposals. Of course we can always send email to update status and discuss on things.

Besides, knowing that there will be a board meeting the coming Thursday, I will also draft an status update to the board in a separate email later.


On 11/17/2010 11:56 AM, Pockey Lam wrote:
Dear all,

Please find below the agenda of the upcoming IRC meeting on 23rd November Tuesday.
Since the Hong Kong team will join our meeting, your presence will mean a lot to all of us :)

Date: November 23 Tuesday
Time: 1400 UTC  (~1.5 hours)
Channel: #asia-summit at GIMPnet server

1) proposal updates from potential hosts
2) Q&A
3) Opportunities to improve localization on the GNOME desktop for Hong Kong (traditional Chinese)
4) Opportunities to start a Hong Kong GNOME user group
5) what Hong Kong needs from GNOME (and the GNOME Foundation) in order to attract more GNOME contributors and users in Hong Kong

See you!


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