GNOME.Asia IRC meeting Tuesday Dec 14th 2010, 1400UTC

Dear all,

Please find below the agenda of the upcoming GNOME.Asia meeting tomorrow. See you!

Date: December 14 Tuesday
Time: 1400 UTC  (1 hour)
Channel: #asia-summit at GIMPnet server

Planned Agenda:
  • Update on previous weeks action items
  • Announce the result of the three proposals rating
  • Update on the date of the GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 / GNOME 3.0 Hackfest (Before / During / After the GNOME 3.0 launch)
  • Open topics
Previous weeks outstanding action items:
  1. Will / Fred to complete the proposal rating
  2. Will to follow up with Mario's response on social networks' groups
  3. Will to follow up on the design of the site
  4. Bharath / Akhil to gather initial feedbacks from GNOME users in Indonesia and India and then put those feedback on
  5. Fred to gather feedback on the date preference of hackfest from different GNOME teams
  6. Pockey to get feedbacks from the marketing / design teams for the user survey
  7. Fred to work with local organizing team on the "call for sponsors" document

Previous week completed action items:
  1. Pockey created a shared document for proposal rating and Brian, Emily, Allan, Pockey rated (DONE)
  2. Utian gathered initial feedbacks from GNOME users in Indonesia and India and then put those feedback on
- Pockey

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