Re: GNOME.Asia focus, strategy and medium to long term plan


    3) Developing stronger localization for Asian languages.  Perhaps it
       would be good to plan a future GNOME.Asia event in a country or
       region with poor language support, and to try and get people
       interested in helping with this.

How about host a L10n and G18N hackfest in Asia ? It can be a indepedent
hackfest or a main topic for GNOME.Asia summit.

That seems reasonable to me.

    Another thing to consider is that the GNOME and KDE communities are
    having combined conferences in Europe with the Desktop Summit.
    Perhaps we should consider working more closely with the KDE community
    and have a combined Asian summit, and perhaps get support and funding
    from both the GNOME and KDE communities.

Can we express this message to KDE community to have a asia event for
both GNOME and KDE ? If they have the same interests, why not ?  Can we
talk about it during GNOME foundation board meeting ?

We are already working with the KDE community to plan next year's
Desktop Summit.  Perhaps it would be good to add this as a topic for the
next time we meet with them.

Brian, i will not able to attend next board meeting, if you will be
there,  would you please pass the message in the meeting ?

I will be traveling, and not able to attend the next meeting.  So, it
might make more sense if you were to raise this issue via email or
in the following meeting.


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