Re: notes from our meeting (In GNOME.Asia Summit 2009 )


So I've been working on the website and cleaning things up. Found out
all speakers' email addresses were posted as plain text on the FOSSASIA
wiki page (thanks for whoever did that...- I was wondering why suddenly
I'd been having more spam lately).

Now there is one mediawiki page that needs to be converted to the GNOME
live wiki. Do we have any script for that? (tried to search the web, no



Emily Chen wrote:
> For the wiki, we can use live.gnome :
> Some documents like "How to" can be posted here.
> We can both use this wiki on live.gnome and our official
> <> website.
> I will work on this.
> -Emily
> 2009/12/9 Frederic Muller <fred beijinglug org
> <mailto:fred beijinglug org>>
>     Hi!
>     We mentioned using Gnome wiki for GNOME.Asia summit site. When and how
>     should we go on with that? Who has the abilities to make it happen and
>     could be the lead on this part?
>     Thanks.
>     Fred

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