Re: PROPOSAL: switch all html to templates

Thomas Wood wrote:
Ilya Khamushkin wrote:

ok! thank you!

My 2 cents about templating ;-)

I think we need some more flexible and powerful template engine
that you develop yourself. IMHO: Smarty - one of the best and used.

There are many features like loops, expressions, etc.

I don't offer to use cms or other packaged web software,
but all that we need is separate code from layout and design.
And I think we should not develop things that already done.
We are really open source? :-) so let use it!

About "Resource" page...
May it can be just a wiki page?
Please look to another Gnome-oriented website:
It completely powered by MediaWiki.

The problem is, if we start pulling in code form different locations, it can be too easy to loose track of what happens where. I think it would be great if we could borrow code, but I'd rather do all or nothing.
I'd like art-web to be a complete project in it's own right - not one 
that borrows from other places and ends up a miss match of coding style 
and approaches.
My next 2 cents ;-)

First of all I propose to use object-oriented php-classes.
The main idea is to preserve coding style and all custom code.
We not interested in code inside the classes, we don't need to patch it,
extend or even put it to cvs, we just use it for our needs.

We can completely divide the web-site code and used classes.
In feature we can develop other classes and use it in main tree.
So web-site will have modular code structure.

For example every developer can checkout main project tree from cvs
and download tarball with required external classes and put it together.

There are another one place with many php-classes, that we can use:

I think we can greatly speed up process of coding if use
existing bricks.

Every solution have some advantages and some shortcomings,
I just share my opinion, based on 3 years of php development.
But you will make decision.

However, I agree that the Resource pages needs to be "Wiki" style. It needs to be edited easily and freely. We could create a simple link to a (like we currently do with the Tutorials section). However, if we can I think it would be nice to implement something ourselves, and perhaps we can use the same framework for the Tutorials page eventually.
I think we can use for beginning and later develop
custom wiki-style pages. :-)

WBR, ilya

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