Re: [anjuta-devel] Adding some filtering mechanism for plugin


The project wizard plugin is not loaded by a profile file but indirectly by the file loader plugin. If we want to remove some wizard plugins we need a way to hide some of them.

I think we should add a way to define hidden plugin in the profile file. I propose the following new filter keyword which can be added in a profile file.

        <require group="Anjuta Plugin"

What do you thinks about this? We could use another name instead of filter by example configuration or put the require keyword at the same level than plugin.

We can consider the attribute field as a list like the interface attribute allowing to have a plugin in several configurations.

We can add several require elements inside a filter, if we use the same behavior than inside a plugin element, all requirements should be fulfilled, working like a logical and operation.

If we put no filter element, all plugins should be available to keep the backward compatibility. So if we put several filter elements, we could expect to keep only plugins allowed by all filters, working again like a logical and. Do you think it will be useful to have a way to indicate a logical or operation?

In addition, we still need a way to tune a plugin based on some information from the profile file. I think now that it's better than having a special plugin just for that. So, we could add some functions allowing to readback the filter defined. Or do you think it's better to add another keyword to set some attributes? Do you think such attribute should be general or specific to a plugin?



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