Re: [anjuta-devel] GDL placeholder

Hi James,

Le 13/05/2012 09:26, James Liggett a écrit :
     GtkContainer *dock_item = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT
(anjuta_dock_pane_get_widget (ANJUTA_DOCK_PANE
(git_plugin->stash_pane))), "dock-item");
     g_object_set (G_OBJECT (gdl_dock_object_get_parent_object
(GDL_DOCK_OBJECT (dock_item))), "page", 0, NULL);
That's awfully complicated. ;) In any case, your probably right that I'm
using the wrong function here. I'll dig into it some more to see if we
can't do this in a more elegant and obvious way. If not, then I'll try

While documenting the code I have found an easier way to do it. There is a already a function in GDL to do it named gdl_dock_object_present. I have tried and it seems to work fine.

GdlDockObject *dock_item = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (anjuta_dock_pane_get_widget (ANJUTA_DOCK_PANE (git_plugin->log_pane))), "dock-item");

gdl_dock_object_present (dock_item, NULL);

Here all the remaining complexity comes from the fact that GDL item is hidden in AnjutaDockPane object.



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