Re: [anjuta-devel] Segmentation fault when using scintilla


Le 01/02/2012 16:22, John Coppens a écrit :
I can't really pinpoint when the problem started, as I have rarely used
the procedure recently. Here goes:
- I opened a (existing, C) project.
- I tried to add a file using 'File|New|File', defining a new name,
   and enabling the .h file.
- Selected the correct target.
- On pressing accept, Anjuta disappears, with only message 'Segmentation
This is Anjuta 3.2.2, Scintilla 3.0.3, gtk+ 3.2.1

I have tried here with Anjuta 3.2.2 and Anjuta Extras 3.2.0 compiled from the sources and I don't get the issue. I don't know what is Scintilla 3.0.3 as there is no release 3.0.x of Anjuta Extras. Could you try with the stable package on the web site?

Then, I have tried with a project created with the project wizard perhaps it depends on the project content. Could you try with a new generic project?



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