Re: [anjuta-devel] Selecting and storing AVR debug platform and target device

You can already have it without a specific target combo box using the current configuration combox box. All project wizard template, define only 4 configurations at the moment (Default, Debug, Profile, Optimized) but you can define other ones.

Each configuration is associated with a predefined list of argument to configure script. So if instead of the default configure, you define (target1, target2 and target3) it will be fine too. You can even define target1, target1 Debug, target1 Profile, target1 Optimized, target2, target2 Debug, target2 Profile, target2 Optimized, target3, target3 Debug, target3 Profile, target3 Optimized.

If you have lots of combination, it could becomes quite annoying so perhaps it's better to add a new combo box. But in principle it's already possible without requiring that the user type some argument.

Ah that combobox, I think it will be filled with too many options if you're going to add all targets to that one. There are also four different optimalization levels, so that will become quite a lot of entries.

I like this too, if some sort of loaded plugin implements a specific
interface which can fill the combobox, then call it. For example, the
AVR plugin would implement TargetsListInterface, and returns a list of
supported devices of avr-gcc. If there's no plugin implementing the
interface, hide the combobox.

Yes, then is an additional combo box for the target is enough to you need more?

I think one extra combobox is enough. :)

So, for some more concrete plans:

1. Define a new interface called TargetsListInterface, I think in libanjuta? Classes implementing that interface should have two methods:
- glist * getTargets()
- gchar * extraConfigureFlags(gchar * target) (or maybe it's better to give the pointer to the modelrow of the selected item in the combobox as an argument)


2. Modify build plugin, which adds a combobox when there's a plugin which implements the TargetsListInterface.
Any idea how to check that? Any functions/files which I should definitely check?

3. Let the AVR plugin implement the interface. Hardcode all supported devices by avr-gcc?

With kind regards,

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